
Monday, November 08, 2004

What Liberals Just Don´t Get - It´s Your Destructive Culture 

From WND - Hey Hollywood left: Don't let the door hit you in the asininity - Doug Powers

One of the best comparisons about how destructive culture can be to youth and adults:

UPDATE: jan-24-2005

Actually British culture manages to be worse than the US quite often nowadays. They are doing their best to "catch up and take first place."

From Mack - comment on Scrappleface:

I may yet write a book on how to spot a liberal. Ok, maybe a short essay. Liberals are eternally childish. Not to be confused with child like or innocent. Liberals sincerely believe that they are “special people.” They believe the world and all that is in it are there for the perpetual entertainment and gratification of the individual liberal. So the first warning sign of liberal-ness is the habit to throw tantrums when they don’t get what they want. It doesn’t matter how unreasonable the demand is, liberals want it all and they want it now.

This false sense self importance often leads the liberal to completely disregard anyone and anything that contradicts their feeling of being elite, intellectual, enlightened, or superior. Little things like reality, factual information, and common sense upset liberals because they can not explain them away. This causes them anger in that it challenges the liberal self image of greatness. They will attack and attempt to destroy anything that doesn’t feel good regardless of other consequences.

I think liberals have degenerated greatly over the years, in part, taken over by a very arrogant fringe, very tunnel vision of what supposedly are the crucial issues in society. There is a great disparity between what liberals define as the most important problems in society and reality (which comprises many more serious problems than liberals want to face). In many ways, they´ve lost seriousness and ethics, and gained this manipulative spoiled-brat self-pitying along with an exorbitant no-accontability self-righteousness and a very destructive, sleazy set of attitudes in the personal sphere.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Pro-homosexual bigots are all alike - David Hume said it a long time ago 

Developments at Classical Values

Ironic that the "reality-based community" has chosen a sterotype (the moronic, hypocritical, bigot) to describe those with whom they disagree. This, of course, allows the RBC to create their own reality - one in which there are no good-faith disputes over policy or culture - and insolate their beliefs from any debate or empirical examination.

The RBC have already decided that anti-gay bigotry cost them this election. This will become the "Bush stole Florida" meme of 2004 - no matter how much evidence contradicts this "reality", 4 years from now it will still be gospel for those who believe themselves to be influenced only by their superior understanding of the real world.
posted by: Daniel
Alessandra-->> This comment by Daniel that the RBC crowd does not allow for discussion or examination is particular acute in the universities. This is where most of the worst harm is done. Media is second.

For example, pro-homosexuals have equated anti-homosexuals with haters. This maligning trick has seeped in popular culture so much so, that we see anti-homosexuals and/or anti-gay marriage supporters having to state that they are not full of hate. As if they ever were.

This is exactly the same as equating people who are anti-pedophilia, anti-prostitution, anti-SM as full of hate. A bigoted and cheap tactic to malign people who have opposing viewpoints with some ad hominen attack label.

Fortunately, it seems slowly but surely many Americans are catching on that the slimy "label your viewpoint opponent as full of hate" tactic is nothing but the sign of bigot incapable of discussion.


Alessanda wrote here (on a man's man's blog):

"For example, pro-homosexuals have equated anti-homosexuals with haters."

Anti-homosexuals are indeed motivated solely by hatred of the good for being the good, though some of them may be merely confused fellow-travelling dupes.

"This maligning trick has seeped in popular culture so much so, that we see anti-homosexuals and/or anti-gay marriage supporters having to state that they are not full of hate. As if they ever were."

The truth is that they are and have always been motivated by hatred of the good for being the good.

"This is exactly the same as equating people who are anti-pedophilia,"

Equating homosexuals with child-rapers is a despicable lie.


Prostitution, while it should be legal, is not in the same moral category as the eternal faithful love (marriage) between two women or two men.

"anti-SM as full of hate."

S&M is hate inverted into love, agony into ecstasy, which is indeed the leitmotif underlying all sexual passion, the sexual bond, the holy bond, bondage, of wedlock.

"A bigoted and cheap tactic to malign people who have opposing viewpoints with some ad hominen attack label."

The favorite tactic of the anti-homosexual movement, e.g., the lie that homosexuals have an "agenda", are irreligious, promiscuous, degenerate, out to corrupt children, linking them with Communists, etc.. These are all lies.

"Fortunately, it seems slowly but surely many Americans are catching on that the slimy "label your viewpoint opponent as full of hate" tactic is nothing but the sign of bigot incapable of discussion."

I may very well be a "bigot" (dogmatist) incapable of discussion with the enemies of my freedom and values. I know that I am right, and that is good enough for me.
posted by: Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Elder)


Prostitution, while it should be legal, is not in the same moral category as the eternal faithful love (marriage) between two women or two men.

by Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Idiot)
The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association has recently disclosed: "Domestic violence is a hugely ignored health issue in the LGBT communities, affecting one in three LGBT relationships."

Cato the Idiot above calls this love. Cato the Idiot is obviously too steeped in denial about how violent GLBTs are to have a clue. People who are too irresponsible to face mass violence problems (such as 1 in 3 violent GBLT relationships) are not fit to opine on such issues, much less serve office, school, parish, military, etc.

Prostitution, either legal or illegal, accounts for the destruction of millions of lives of children, adolescents and adults around the world. People like Cato the Idiot are too dehumanized to care or know. The only thing their small minds can muster is that people who are not ignorant, self-serving pro-homosexuals like them are full of hate.

Cato the Idiot, and the throngs of idiots like him, are not full of hate, they are full of joy and comfort with the destruction of so many human lives, and shoving sexual violence and denigration wherever they go, covering it up with a veneer little speech about freedom.
posted by: Alessandra on 11.07.04 at 11:10 PM [permalink]
"This is exactly the same as equating people who are anti-pedophilia,"

Equating homosexuals with child-rapers is a despicable lie.

by Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Idiot)
First, homosexuals were not being equated to pedophiles. ( As two asides, second, not all pedophiles end up raping children. Third, a number of pedophiles are not straight, guess what that makes them?)

Pedophilia, homosexuality, prostitution, SM are all examples of sexuality problems and having a critical viewpoint towards any or all these issues (and all other sexuality problems we have in the world) does not equate anyone to being full of hate.

That is only a maligning tactic of slimy, ignorant pro-homosexuals.
posted by: Alessandra on 11.07.04 at 11:23 PM [permalink]

I may very well be a "bigot" (dogmatist) incapable of discussion with the enemies of my freedom and values. I know that I am right, and that is good enough for me.

by Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Idiot)
"When men are most sure and arrogant they are commonly most mistaken, giving views to passion without that proper deliberation which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities"

David Hume (Scottish philosopher, historian, economist and essayist)
posted by: Alessandra on 11.07.04 at 11:46 PM [permalink]

The Liberal Pig Larry Flynt May Be Finally Leaving! Thanks to Bush 

And who would have thought...

I´ll pay his plane ticket to Falluja, the middle of shark infested Caribbean ocean and a few other places.

One less pro-sexual violence, pro-homo, pro-SM piece of crap on Earth. Time to go, Larry, now!

Salon foaming at the mouth - Hah 

And I´d never thought I´d see this. One of the ugliest liberal MSM publications got kicked where they deserved in these elections. At Salon, they are foaming. some replies at the bottom.

Some replies to the above:
"You beat us, battered us, abused us, lied, cheated, stole, and now you want us to play fair and nicey-nice? Well, forget it. We didn't declare this culture war, baby, but we're sure going to finish it."

You´ve been shoving your violence, aggression, disrespect, sleaziness on us and now you´re complaining? You didn´t declare the culture war, you created it. And the rest of us are no sitting ducks.


"Let the body bags keep rolling from the Middle East, let health care get hollowed out, let the evisceration of the middle class roll on unabated, let civil liberties get erased in name of "moral values," whatever the fuck that is. "

You´re too ignorant and too much of a liberal lacking in morals or values to know why people don´t like to live in a violent, sleazy liberal society, this will be a chance to diminish your ignorance.


"Must the Republicans have all the alpha males?"

Actually, Dems have an alpha male. You got a slimy, stink of an alpha male, remember? From Arkansas. Doesn´t that tell you that something is wrong with liberals?
And, do not forget, you have all the pink males. The ones that are too dysfunctional to even be males, and who control your neck-collar, sometimes costing you an election. And on the subject, couldn´t we say the SF mayor is another one of your alpha-lite males ?

New Wolfe Novel - Theme is Really Good - Hopefully the Book Too 

From AP

I hope this novel addresses how diseased and violent liberal culture and sexuality is. It´s what we need in terms of education, that universities (and many public schools) are profoundly failing their students.

The Only Left Wing Article Worth Reading So Far - Don't Say We Didn't Warn You 


Smart and with understanding, what the left often lacks.

Egotistical hypocrite - Episcopal Gene Robinson 

(Read Article from previous post "Deep Red/Blue divisions unlikely to heal soon" first - this is the ending:)

Can the differences be bridged? This might be one area in which all sides agree.

Not likely, they say.

Views so deeply rooted in moral doctrine — however a person chooses to interpret “moral” — aren’t likely to change. But Americans suggest they and the nation’s leaders could do more to forge at least some understanding — a way to live together in a society of opposing convictions.

“Learn to accept people the way they are, not how you would like them to be,” says Santa McKenna, a Cuban-American hairdresser in Florida.

“Be more substantive in what we say ... rather than attacking people personally,” says Jerry Folk, a Lutheran minister in Wisconsin.

“The president could do something magnanimous, like naming a Democrat to his cabinet,” suggests Larry Gore, a Bush supporter in Pennsylvania.

“Find a sense of community that goes beyond my needs, my wants ... that draws the lines of community very broadly, so ultimately there is no ‘them,’” says V. Gene Robinson, the nation’s first openly gay Episcopal bishop whose election itself caused great division among churchgoers.

"Find a sense of community that goes beyond my needs, my wants" - this from the homo Gene Robinson that made the Episcopal Church fracture and who destroyed the Episcopal community thanks to his egostistical homosexual needs, his sexual wants.

We do not want to be gay dittoheads, with a blurry sense of life, with no responsability, a particularly lewd, violent, sorry culture. We would like to draw the lines elsewhere, and anyone is welcome to join if they let go of their dysfunctional sexuality and culture.

Deep Red/Blue divisions unlikely to heal soon 

Excellent article (though could be even better) - Deep divisions unlikely to heal soon By PAULINE ARRILLAGA The Associated Press

The next insult - Reality Based Community 

It makes you feel really out of the swing of things when it is on Nov 7th the first time you even hear this RBC label.

From Classical Values - Eric

and some of the best comments:

I reckon that "reality-based community" is meant to be the antonym of "faith-based community", Bush having introduced some various initiatives regarding the former. Although the connection to the argument about who defines reality is apposite as well.
posted by: Sean Stickle

Actually, it's just another collection of phonemes that mean "We're right and everyone else is wrong and stupid."

It's a sentiment as old as history.
posted by: Ian Wood
Aren't these the same people who used to assert that reality is a crutch for people who can't face drugs?
posted by: triticale
Ironic that the "reality-based community" has chosen a sterotype (the moronic, hypocritical, bigot) to describe those with whom they disagree. This, of course, allows the RBC to create their own reality - one in which there are no good-faith disputes over policy or culture - and insolate their beliefs from any debate or empirical examination.

The RBC have already decided that anti-gay bigotry cost them this election. This will become the "Bush stole Florida" meme of 2004 - no matter how much evidence contradicts this "reality", 4 years from now it will still be gospel for those who believe themselves to be influenced only by their superior understanding of the real world.
posted by: Daniel
Alessandra-->> This comment by Daniel that the RBC crowd does not allow for discussion or examination is particularly acute in the universities. This is where most of the worst harm is done. Media is second.

For example, pro-homosexuals have equated anti-homosexuals with haters. This maligning trick has seeped in popular culture so much so, that we see anti-homosexuals and/or anti-gay marriage supporters having to state that they are not full of hate. As if they ever were.

This is exactly the same as equating people who are anti-pedophilia, anti-prostitution, anti-SM as full of hate. A bigoted and cheap tactic to malign people who have opposing viewpoints with some ad hominen attack label.

Fortunately, it seems slowly but surely many Americans are catching on that the slimy "label your viewpoint opponent as full of hate" tactic is nothing but the sign of a bigot incapable of discussion.

Dems scrambling to find a new message to trick red voters 

From the Washington Times

A new flurry of comments/articles has emerged after the big loss. The Dems hate the mass of middle America reds, they think they are stupid, supersticious faith-based simpleheads. They differ on fundamental positions. However, in order to be majority and have more political clout, they (the Dems) need the red votes (the people they so despise). So, they seem now, after the big loss, to be scrambling to figure out a way in the next elections to couch their political campaign messages in words that will trick the reds in voting for a party that does not stand for their issues.


Toronto Sun - Thane Burnett

It gets better.

GBLT and pro-homosexual denial about how violent they are - discussion 

Discussion on Political Animal Blog


Friday, November 05, 2004

You Go Texas - Marriage is only this: between a man and a woman 

From the Guardian:

Kudos to Terri Leo.


too funny - Canadian MP characterization 

One of Santa's elves (a so-called Canadian MP, whatever that is)
is accusing America of being "out of step" with the world.

Michael Williams -- Master of None

Canadian MP = Santa elf = too funny :-)))

And to think of it, I don´t know what the MP stand for... if it were PM...

"Who are these people?" - we understand and we reject 

From Instapundit - Nov.5th, 2004.

A lot of people abroad don´t understand this about why Kerry didn´t get these votes.

Nobody cares about gay marriage except, gays and religious people - Dream on. 

From homofromtroy blog comment:


Dream on. The "Gay Marriage" debate involves a lot more issues than marriage. America is waking up to how diseased the homo agenda is, which uses a marriage banner to try to legitimize every form of dysfunctional and violent sexual attitude and behavior. from The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association :

["Domestic violence is a hugely ignored health issue in the LGBT communities, affecting one in three LGBT relationships," said Susan Holt, an expert on LGBT domestic violence prevention.]

GBLTs are quite diseased and violent, and the above just speaks about internal violence, doesn´t even mention violence to other people.

Now who is more diseased, the GBLTs or their supporters who are fanatically blind to the above?
How much do you need to lie to yourself about how dysfunctional homosexuals are in order to ignore such a serious issue? 1 in 3? that is a lot of violence and homo supporters have a very bigotted mind not to face it. Why don´t these violent GLBT´s appear on Will and Grace, BTW?

Maybe because just shouting Hate everytime someone opposes homosexuality is a sign of a very small mind.

Young people support homosexuality because they are too ignorant and too alienated on issues of violence to know any better. It´s the stupid MTV mindset, all fun, all ignorant 24-7. When they start growing up and becoming less stupid, they realize there is more to homo life than Queer Eye fluff. And it stinks.

4 more years and 40 more years on the new Supreme Court. Yes!


Thursday, November 04, 2004

GLBT 1 in 3 violent relationships - Now that´s Bigotry for You! 

Pro-homosexuals never bring up issues such as these, and this (1 in
3) is just violence **in** LGBT relationships. It doesn´t even go into numbers
about when the perpetrators are
homos and bisexuals and the victims are heterosexuals. To how many of these
GBLT battererers and rapists did pro-homosexuals clap at in the latest Pride

What happens when you put such homos in the army? in the boys/girl scouts?
as judges and professors?

No wonder homos and pro-homosexuals do everything they can to ignore such an
issue (as the article itself states).

What is particularly noteworthy is the profound degree of denial of pro-homos regarding the subject. This is not just a couple of cases, this is a diseased group of people, with violence in epidemic proportions.

It makes the UK ruling barring the performance of Sizzla really ridiculous . Homo activists say this performer will incite violence against homos, and yet do they ever ask the court to expell from Britain all the violent, diseased GLBT that are perpetrating violence to themselves and to other people? Of course not. This is homosexist propaganda in the most disingenious manner.

Domestic Violence in LGBT Relationships Targeted
Wed, Oct 20, 2004

(CNSNews.com) - The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association is launching a
first-of-its-kind "LGBT Relationship Violence Project" to educate medical
professionals about domestic violence in lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or
transgender communities.
The project will be paid for by a $50,000 grant from the Blue Shield of
California Foundation, the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA)
announced in a press release.

"The Blue Shield of California Foundation recognizes that little attention
has been paid to domestic violence in LGBT contexts, and that GLMA is
uniquely positioned to educate medical professionals and the larger LGBT
community about this widely neglected, serious health issue," said Marianne
Balin, who manages the Blue Shield of California Foundation's anti-violence

The Relationship Violence Project will be formally launched at GLMA's 22nd
Annual Conference, on October 21-23, in Rancho Mirage, California.

"Domestic violence is a hugely ignored health issue in the LGBT communities,
affecting one in three LGBT relationships," said Susan Holt, an expert on
LGBT domestic violence prevention.

"This conference is an important step for our community in facing the
violence in our midst and systematically challenging it. Medical
professionals can play a pivotal role not only in identifying domestic
violence, but also in educating others about the problem," Holt added.

Also speaking in Palm Springs later this week is Patrick Letellier,
co-author of Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and
Domestic Violence.

A new report from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Projects released
last week documented 6,523 cases of LGBT domestic violence that were
reported in 2003, a 13 percent increase over the prior year. The number
includes six domestic violence-related deaths, the report said.

It´s just too nice to see hate filled dems and liberals desperate 

It´s just too nice to see hate filled dems and liberals desperate with Bush´s win. They look like chickens with their heads cut off... and they are spewing their hatred of the winners with all the venomn they have inside their guts and their souls.


Alessandra-->Curious to note: after you read 300,000 posts and blogs about how dems and liberals hate, despise, bash conservatives in the most ignorant, vile fashion, the above poster frames this as a "belief" (read illusion) from conservative voters that the Democratic party hates them. Where in the world did they get that idea?

A Victory for Values 

OK, I didn´t think Bush was going to win, even though I thought the race was tight. I had that pessimistic, prepare yourself for the worst so you don´t become even more disappointed feeling this week, and then... he won! And he won on a victory for values. And all those out-of-touch-with-reality liberals, who want to destroy families and a family structured society, who are so bigotted, and sleazy, and fanatical, had to put their tails between their legs and shuffle to their self-pity corners.

It was a joy to read how depressed liberals are. here- the lying human rights campaign here- the irresponsible-think-we-know-it-all-liberals These liberals that sustain so much social aggression and violence with such glee, that have no idea what the word accountability means, that create such a horrible society for me to live in, YOU LOST. And you are going to lose big time with the Supreme Court nominations that are coming your way in these 4 more years. The HRC spent a ton of money to shove sexual violence and dysfunction in society through politics, which is the consequence of electing these pro-homo candidates, and IT LOST BIG TIME.

These disgusting liberals that think they can perpetrate violence to anyone they wish, they can sexually harass anyone they wish, they can shove homosexuality, sadomasochism, sexual abuse, pornography down everyone´s throat and claim this is freedom, YOU LOST.

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