
Sunday, November 07, 2004

Salon foaming at the mouth - Hah 

And I´d never thought I´d see this. One of the ugliest liberal MSM publications got kicked where they deserved in these elections. At Salon, they are foaming. some replies at the bottom.

Some replies to the above:
"You beat us, battered us, abused us, lied, cheated, stole, and now you want us to play fair and nicey-nice? Well, forget it. We didn't declare this culture war, baby, but we're sure going to finish it."

You´ve been shoving your violence, aggression, disrespect, sleaziness on us and now you´re complaining? You didn´t declare the culture war, you created it. And the rest of us are no sitting ducks.


"Let the body bags keep rolling from the Middle East, let health care get hollowed out, let the evisceration of the middle class roll on unabated, let civil liberties get erased in name of "moral values," whatever the fuck that is. "

You´re too ignorant and too much of a liberal lacking in morals or values to know why people don´t like to live in a violent, sleazy liberal society, this will be a chance to diminish your ignorance.


"Must the Republicans have all the alpha males?"

Actually, Dems have an alpha male. You got a slimy, stink of an alpha male, remember? From Arkansas. Doesn´t that tell you that something is wrong with liberals?
And, do not forget, you have all the pink males. The ones that are too dysfunctional to even be males, and who control your neck-collar, sometimes costing you an election. And on the subject, couldn´t we say the SF mayor is another one of your alpha-lite males ?

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