Monday, November 08, 2004
What Liberals Just Don´t Get - It´s Your Destructive Culture
From WND - Hey Hollywood left: Don't let the door hit you in the asininity - Doug Powers
One of the best comparisons about how destructive culture can be to youth and adults:
UPDATE: jan-24-2005
Actually British culture manages to be worse than the US quite often nowadays. They are doing their best to "catch up and take first place."
From Mack - comment on Scrappleface:
I think liberals have degenerated greatly over the years, in part, taken over by a very arrogant fringe, very tunnel vision of what supposedly are the crucial issues in society. There is a great disparity between what liberals define as the most important problems in society and reality (which comprises many more serious problems than liberals want to face). In many ways, they´ve lost seriousness and ethics, and gained this manipulative spoiled-brat self-pitying along with an exorbitant no-accontability self-righteousness and a very destructive, sleazy set of attitudes in the personal sphere.
One of the best comparisons about how destructive culture can be to youth and adults:
Then there are those actors who take part in some of the trash that passes for movies, make fortunes from them, and then voice disenchantment with our culture. This behavior is akin to dealing drugs: Peddle dope without worrying about the damage you might be doing, and pretty soon you can afford to move your family out of that nasty drug-infested neighborhood. After all, that's no place to raise children.
Madonna figured that out years ago. She spent the majority of her career as the Mecca for aspiring skanks and two-bit perverts everywhere, teaching our kids that nothing is sacred, anonymous sex is great, and cone bras on gay men are wonderful accessories. Then, after having her own kids, she moved to England to develop good manners and escape an immoral nation. Wisely, Madonna would take no part in raising her children in a country whose youth spent their formative years under the lewd tutelage of their own mother.
UPDATE: jan-24-2005
Actually British culture manages to be worse than the US quite often nowadays. They are doing their best to "catch up and take first place."
From Mack - comment on Scrappleface:
I may yet write a book on how to spot a liberal. Ok, maybe a short essay. Liberals are eternally childish. Not to be confused with child like or innocent. Liberals sincerely believe that they are “special people.” They believe the world and all that is in it are there for the perpetual entertainment and gratification of the individual liberal. So the first warning sign of liberal-ness is the habit to throw tantrums when they don’t get what they want. It doesn’t matter how unreasonable the demand is, liberals want it all and they want it now.
This false sense self importance often leads the liberal to completely disregard anyone and anything that contradicts their feeling of being elite, intellectual, enlightened, or superior. Little things like reality, factual information, and common sense upset liberals because they can not explain them away. This causes them anger in that it challenges the liberal self image of greatness. They will attack and attempt to destroy anything that doesn’t feel good regardless of other consequences.
I think liberals have degenerated greatly over the years, in part, taken over by a very arrogant fringe, very tunnel vision of what supposedly are the crucial issues in society. There is a great disparity between what liberals define as the most important problems in society and reality (which comprises many more serious problems than liberals want to face). In many ways, they´ve lost seriousness and ethics, and gained this manipulative spoiled-brat self-pitying along with an exorbitant no-accontability self-righteousness and a very destructive, sleazy set of attitudes in the personal sphere.
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