Friday, November 05, 2004
Nobody cares about gay marriage except, gays and religious people - Dream on.
From homofromtroy blog comment:
Dream on. The "Gay Marriage" debate involves a lot more issues than marriage. America is waking up to how diseased the homo agenda is, which uses a marriage banner to try to legitimize every form of dysfunctional and violent sexual attitude and behavior. from The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association :
["Domestic violence is a hugely ignored health issue in the LGBT communities, affecting one in three LGBT relationships," said Susan Holt, an expert on LGBT domestic violence prevention.]
GBLTs are quite diseased and violent, and the above just speaks about internal violence, doesn´t even mention violence to other people.
Now who is more diseased, the GBLTs or their supporters who are fanatically blind to the above?
How much do you need to lie to yourself about how dysfunctional homosexuals are in order to ignore such a serious issue? 1 in 3? that is a lot of violence and homo supporters have a very bigotted mind not to face it. Why don´t these violent GLBT´s appear on Will and Grace, BTW?
Maybe because just shouting Hate everytime someone opposes homosexuality is a sign of a very small mind.
Young people support homosexuality because they are too ignorant and too alienated on issues of violence to know any better. It´s the stupid MTV mindset, all fun, all ignorant 24-7. When they start growing up and becoming less stupid, they realize there is more to homo life than Queer Eye fluff. And it stinks.
4 more years and 40 more years on the new Supreme Court. Yes!
Nobody cares about gay marriage except, gays and religious people. Those folks are located in non-competitive states and are pretty strong voters regardless.
This election was about the war. You don't get a massive turn out on gay marriage alone.
Posted by: Aaron at November 5, 2004 01:15 AM
Dream on. The "Gay Marriage" debate involves a lot more issues than marriage. America is waking up to how diseased the homo agenda is, which uses a marriage banner to try to legitimize every form of dysfunctional and violent sexual attitude and behavior. from The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association :
["Domestic violence is a hugely ignored health issue in the LGBT communities, affecting one in three LGBT relationships," said Susan Holt, an expert on LGBT domestic violence prevention.]
GBLTs are quite diseased and violent, and the above just speaks about internal violence, doesn´t even mention violence to other people.
Now who is more diseased, the GBLTs or their supporters who are fanatically blind to the above?
How much do you need to lie to yourself about how dysfunctional homosexuals are in order to ignore such a serious issue? 1 in 3? that is a lot of violence and homo supporters have a very bigotted mind not to face it. Why don´t these violent GLBT´s appear on Will and Grace, BTW?
Maybe because just shouting Hate everytime someone opposes homosexuality is a sign of a very small mind.
Young people support homosexuality because they are too ignorant and too alienated on issues of violence to know any better. It´s the stupid MTV mindset, all fun, all ignorant 24-7. When they start growing up and becoming less stupid, they realize there is more to homo life than Queer Eye fluff. And it stinks.
4 more years and 40 more years on the new Supreme Court. Yes!
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