
Monday, October 16, 2006

The child-molesters' vote 

Tribune Editorial
Article Last Updated:10/14/2006 12:03:26 PM MDT
In Rep. Chris Cannon's own words, precocious teenagers and their parents are responsible for U.S. Rep. Mark Foley's folly into sexual predation. The GOP's response, in general, was that the sexual predator didn't do anything wrong, at least until he was caught.

I would venture to guess that the vast majority of sexual predators currently in residence at the Utah State Prison would agree with Cannon's assessment. In fact, some of them were actually lured into their current predicament by "precocious cops" posing as teenagers.

So, with election looming, the questions for Utah County and the rest of Utah's 3rd Congressional District are:
1) Are you going to vote for the man who has the unqualified support of child molesters everywhere and
2) If the voters do return the congressman to Washington, what does that say about the state of family values in Utah?

Karen L. Nilsen

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