
Saturday, September 24, 2005

On the subject of refusing... 

Onkroes loves these list things and I just took the time to read an enormous one, and I was, in my mind, trying to see if anything on his list would match with me:

Onkroes -Seven Things I Can't Do
1. Stomach Soap Operas or Reality TV
2. Tolerate stupid people
3. Stop worrying
4. Promote myself (I never get promoted or recognised at work because hard though I work I'm not good at making sure people in my company know about it, I focus on getting the job done for the customer)
5. Refuse good food
6. Go to bed early, or get up early in the morning
7. Can't stand arrogance
Oh, and I can't write snappy, memorable, or cool answers to memes.

My big match, number 5, refuse good food. Heck, depending on the mood, I don't even refuse bad food... =)

I can't stomach reality tv either (as I have blogged before), but soap-operas I can watch 15-20 minutes here and there, depending on which one, what characters, etc. It's like when you go to the mall or the beach and you people-watch. In addition, I've always found it fascinating how so many of soap-opera actors are very beautiful/handsome, but totally insipid as people/actors. It's such a striking clash of outside/inside.


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