
Sunday, August 14, 2005

Homos are such shameless extortionists 

A San Francisco man who says he was devastated after he was identified as gay on a national Spanish-language radio show will be paid $270,000 by Univision Radio, an arbitrator has ruled.

Roberto Hernandez, 45, was driving to work in 2002 when he received a phone call from a man who said that he met Hernandez at a San Francisco gay bar. The caller then announced that the conversation was being broadcast live on the "Raul Brindis and Pepito Show," based in Houston.

Hernandez worked for the local station that broadcast the show, and sold advertising for the program. He said he was so depressed by the incident that he could no longer work.

"It's a nightmare," Hernandez said. "How do you live with such an embarrassment in your life? How do you live when someone makes your life so insignificant? "

Hernandez had been discreet about disclosing his sexual orientation before the incident, not even telling his family.

Arbitrator Rebecca Westerfield found on Friday that Hernandez had suffered emotional distress but dismissed claims of sexual harassment. She said that Hernandez had no choice but to quit his job and was owed workers' compensation.

Hernandez was awarded $250,000 and nearly $20,000 in economic damages because of the emotional distress that led to seven months of unemployment after quitting his job.

Univision attorneys declined to comment on the case.

Does anyone stop to think how much $270K could do to help children that need shelter or services to protect them from abuse? How much it could do to help the abandoned elderly live better? To feed families who are going hungry? To buy doctor appointments for those without insurance?

What's the homo crap complaining that he was "outed" if he goes to gay bars? By going to gay bars, he is announcing to the world what he is and then he wants to get paid 270K for not being able to lie to everyone about it? Society now has pay $270,000 to everyone homo that can't trick and fool everyone about what/who they are?

"It's a nightmare," Hernandez said. "How do you live with such an embarrassment in your life? How do you live when someone makes your life so insignificant? "

How does talking about the truth regarding homos make their life "insignificant?"

If he is embarrassed, then at least his conscience is telling him he should change. That's what he doesn't like.

He said he was so depressed by the incident that he could no longer work.

What a piece of trash. I know poor parents who work 18 hours a day in the most horrible conditions to feed their kids, and who don't have the homo luxury of getting "depressed" about anything. Imagine if every poor person that works some crappy job were now to sue for being unhappy with their job environments and get $270K. We have come to the point where homos can now sue for their psychological diseased hysterics over society discovering what they like to lie so much to everyone.

That's why I am in favor of outing everyone. Right now. Get the crap into view. It would be nice to put web cameras in front of every gay bar in every town. Get the slime from under the rocks.

Arbitrator Rebecca Westerfield found on Friday that Hernandez had suffered emotional distress but dismissed claims of sexual harassment. She said that Hernandez had no choice but to quit his job and was owed workers' compensation.

Hernandez isn't satisfied because, he says, the FCC didn't deal with the deeper issue of the humiliating trick and offensive language involving his sexual orientation.

Monica Taher, who monitors minority issues for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, says the FCC is not staffed to monitor Spanish-language media, which get away with far more by way of indecency and anti-homosexual material than English-language media.

Which raises the question: Would an English-language station escape sanctions if it similarly used trickery to humiliate a black man while throwing the "N word" around?

The question this raises for me is: why are Americans so comfortable with degrading and humiliating people in private, but they make a big deal out of it if it is done in public?

The cancerous secret of a liberal society, perhaps? Pornography is usually just one big compendium of degrading and humiliating people in a variety of formats and contexts.

Why don't the GLAAD pigs or other N-word hysteric defenders fight to abolish pornography, if they claim to be so profoundly against humiliation?


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