Sunday, May 15, 2005
One Dose of Sick Puppies at a Time - Updated May 17
From Onkroes:
I don't know if we could get through the week keeping in mind just how sick the world is... the sheer quantity of heavy duty sick puppies is not trivial.
Update May 17, 2005:
Michelle Malkin is pointing to a pair of homo parents who have made a t-shirt saying:

From Dawn Eden:
And now...from Ace:
It's like a competition in the world to see who can legitimize the most mental problems, the Japanese Russian Roulette for kids, the homos and their millions of mental problems, including opposite-sex hatred...
At least, Japan has spared us the theory that their Russian Roulette orientation is due to a not-yet-found gene... if only the Japanese paid more attention to pro-homos, they could call anyone who objected to their social sickness as full of hate and bring on their Russian Roulette Pride parades... with a Bang!
New update:
I'll try to blog on this article regarding the Sex Party in Canada later, but it's a great example of people with all kinds of dysfunctional sexuality issues trying to legitimize themselves by saying anyone who disagrees with their views and practices is fearful of sexuality. This line, by the way, is the same disengenuous one used in the "homophobic" concept.
Perhaps not so surprising, but equally disgusting, is how they conceive of and posit themselves to be sexuality "healers." How many mental problems does a person need to have to go around asking strangers to fondle them sexually? And, on top of it, call this "health and healing?"
NAMBLA, pro-homos, pro-prostitution and pro-porn folks, the Sex Party, are all variations on the same "legitimize my sexual dysfunctions" theme.
I'm amazed by people, the sheer stupidity and ignorance, the overwhelming selfishness, the disgusting self hate, the arrogance.
I'm not talking about a personal event this time, but about stuff you find on the internet.
From grown men renting plastic dolls to f*ck, to assholes vandalising other people's property for fun, from ch1ld p0rn to fecophelia (that's eating sh1t if you didn't know), from legal slavery to racist violence, from self-harm to religious intolerance, from spiritual m*sturb*tion to bonsai animals, from sheer hatred to acceptable casualties, from illegal wars to stop-and-search.
The list is endless, but I thought I'd stop there. You name it, there's a web-site for people who do it, or admire it, or support it, or hate it for that matter.
Why are people like that? Who are these people?
I don't know if we could get through the week keeping in mind just how sick the world is... the sheer quantity of heavy duty sick puppies is not trivial.
Update May 17, 2005:
Michelle Malkin is pointing to a pair of homo parents who have made a t-shirt saying:
"My daddy's name is Donor." This T-shirt made by Family Evolutions, a company that specializes in products for homosexual parents, really says it all. The child is the son of the company's founders, a lesbian pair.

From Dawn Eden:
Most of all, the homosexual-marriage campaign is about the selfish interests of adultsnot what's best for children. Look at the face of that little boy. He's old enough to have some idea of what it means to have a daddy named Donor. Do you think he's happy about it? Do you think he considers that worth celebrating? Or did his lesbian parents stick him in that T-shirt because they thought they'd have some harmless fun at his expense? Besides, he makes such an adorable shill.
And now...from Ace:
The Japanese are selling a Russian Roulette toy-gun & game. For kids, of course.
Even more disturbing than the concept is the art chosen to adorn the package.
Boy, that kid looks like he's having all sorts of fun having his brains blown out (make-pretend, of course).
Because you know all boys aged 8-13 really want to re-enact that scene from The Deer Hunter.
It's like a competition in the world to see who can legitimize the most mental problems, the Japanese Russian Roulette for kids, the homos and their millions of mental problems, including opposite-sex hatred...
At least, Japan has spared us the theory that their Russian Roulette orientation is due to a not-yet-found gene... if only the Japanese paid more attention to pro-homos, they could call anyone who objected to their social sickness as full of hate and bring on their Russian Roulette Pride parades... with a Bang!
New update:
I'll try to blog on this article regarding the Sex Party in Canada later, but it's a great example of people with all kinds of dysfunctional sexuality issues trying to legitimize themselves by saying anyone who disagrees with their views and practices is fearful of sexuality. This line, by the way, is the same disengenuous one used in the "homophobic" concept.
Perhaps not so surprising, but equally disgusting, is how they conceive of and posit themselves to be sexuality "healers." How many mental problems does a person need to have to go around asking strangers to fondle them sexually? And, on top of it, call this "health and healing?"
NAMBLA, pro-homos, pro-prostitution and pro-porn folks, the Sex Party, are all variations on the same "legitimize my sexual dysfunctions" theme.