
Thursday, April 21, 2005

The Incredible Benefits of Pop Psychology 

Pop psychology, contrary to a snub belief that it is worthless, has brought tremendous benefits to humans, especially in the area of human relationships. An insightful analysis from Jeff Burright.

Many of us in our Baccalaureate education have taken an introductory course in psychology or interpersonal communication, which we all claim lets us understand one another better but really allows us, by academic consensus, to make sure we're not crazy.

There is another consequence of a rudimentary education in the inner workings of the human mind, which I will illustrate with the example of the couple who walked behind me the other day as I came home from school. Below is a transcript of their conversation. Names have been changed because I don't know who they were:

GIRL: Why are you being so defensive?

GUY: I'm not being defensive.

GIRL: Yes you are, you're letting your trust issues cause you to suppress the truth and that affects our intimacy.

GUY: No, Wanda, I don't actively suppress anything. If you choose to interpret that I'm being defensive, then that's your own insecurity.

GIRL: I'm not insecure, but you kept this from me when you could have just shared your feelings and we wouldn't be having this argument!

GUY: ...

GIRL: See, Mitch, you're doing it again! You need to open up and tell me things.

GUY: I was trying to avoid a conflict. If I wanted to communicate something then I'd tell you. Is it not okay for me to sometimes not express everything that's going on in my head?


GUY: ... Then what do you want me to do?

GIRL: Look, next time just SAY that you don't like Indian food and we won't go there and pay for something you won't eat, OK?

As you can see from Mitch and Wanda, more than anything else, pop psychology allows the average person to argue with a better vocabulary.

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