
Tuesday, March 22, 2005

So Many Blogs, So Little Time 

From Telendro, referral to e-consultancy's Internet stats report:

• In the summer of 2003, there were 580 million internet users worldwide.
• [Nielsen//NetRatings, HomeWork Panel, 2003]

• In 2004 the forecasted number of internet users globally was set to surpass 934.5 million. [eTForecasts, Sept 2004]

o The top 15 countries alone will account for 70.88% of these internet users.

o Forecast total internet users for end of 2004:
• US: 185,550,000 (19.86% share)
• China: 99,800,000 (10.68%)
• Japan: 78,050,000 (8.35%)
• Germany: 41,880,000 (4.48%)
• India: 36,970,000 (3.96%)
• UK: 33,110,000 (3.54%)

There will be 1.07 billion internet users globally by 2005, 1.21 billion by 2006 and 1.35 billion by 2007. [eTForecasts, Sept 2004]

Número de usuarios activos de internet en el hogar:
(estadística de 12 países realizada por Nielsen en Septiembre del 2004)

o EEUU: 135.4 millones
o Japón: 36.3 millones
o Alemania: 30.1 millones
o Gran Bretaña: 22.5 millones
o Italia: 16.6 millones
o Francia: 15.2 millones
o Brasil: 12.0 millones
o Australia: 8.9 millones
o España: 8.5 millones
o Suecia: 4.6 millones
o Suiza: 3.2 millones
o Hong Kong: 2.5 millones

[TNS Intersearch, 2004]

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