
Friday, March 18, 2005

Discovery - From Invisible, Hidden Corners of the Earth... 

Impensável (in Portuguese)

Le coeur dans la main, Le goût du malheur (da suite para piano de Poulenc) e, quando a tarde caía, verde e dourada, Bach. O livro era o de ontem à tarde mas, já no seu lugar, relembreio-o, um modo de folhear. Esgotei nestas lentidões a irritação pelas obras no supermercado tornado, por via delas, terra ignota (e por isso, inóspita).

What a lovely thing that the blog revolution brings us. From invisible, hidden corners of the Earth, people who you would have never read otherwise, but who you would have missed nevertheless, had you lived in a technologically unconnected world.


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