Sunday, February 20, 2005
TV - Coming to a cell phone near you!

Scandinavians and Koreans, two of the most adventurous groups of mobile users, are betting on mobile TV.
Update Feb 21-2005
I am always the last person on Earth to find out about new technology advancements. I am always buying the useless tech stuff that went out of date 5 years ago, because no one told me there were simply 23 newer models. The smaller things get, the more annoying I find them. I am probably the only person on the globe that does not like cell phones. For talking, that is. They are safety equipment, isn't that obvious? Why other humans use them constantly to annoy passer-byers with their senseless conversations is something of a mystery to me. I used to like the huge 1 foot long cell phones that did not flip, twinkle or tap dance, but their production was interrupted at the end of the Triassic era, forcing yours truly to adapt or perish. Evolution is cruel.
This magnificent Jetsons TV-cell phone, on the other hand, is something that would make me upgrade and join the elites of the hightechy phone stratosphere. A TV-cell phone is a revolution upon a revolution.
I had this image come up in my mind of inside a bus. Every person on the bus has a TV-cell phone and there is a total cacophony of sounds. Half of the people don't bother with earphones, obviously. You know that is what will happen. Fifteen kids watching MTV, hockey, ranting and yelling, plus the rest of the people with the action movies, the cooking lessons, CNN, talk shows, soap opera reruns, and, of course, wrestling. Each of them in their own little electro-media world, who are totally oblivious to every human around them, except, of course, to shout obscenities at the others for having their sound volume on too loud. It's a dream, it couldn't be more wonderful.
Let us hail how wonderful our modern times are once again.
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