
Friday, February 04, 2005

Is This Vindication Day or Something? 

First, Sulliedvan below, and now, this tidbit, on Wonkette, from Ace of Spades:

In the "A Gallon of Irony Spilled and Not One Drop Splashed On Her" Category comes Wonkette calling the State of the Union "vapid."

Wonkette deeming something vapid. I'll just let that sink in for a bit.

re this from the Corner:

Andrew Sullivan is giving the blogger response on CNN with lewd Wonkette. Sullivan didn't like. Wonkette said it was "vapid," if you care.

You can imagine how much I admire potty-brained Wonkette. Read the takes on Sullivan below and you can see she´s like a Sullivan version of a woman. Now, that´s not good for a woman. LOL

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