Saturday, February 19, 2005
Christian Band Banned from Playing at School Sues
A Christian rock band banned from playing at a public school assembly filed a federal lawsuit against the suburban Toledo district on Thursday, claiming discrimination and violation of their right to free speech.
Rossford High School officials in December canceled the band Pawn's performance at an anti-drug assembly. Board members said they feared a lawsuit if they allowed a religious performance in a public school.
What do you think about this case?
I think it's ridiculous to ban just the religious bands. What do the people who want to ban the religious bands fear exactly? That students will all immediately convert to Christianity after listening to a Jesus song?
Most non-religious youth band songs just say a lot of trash. So, if from the point of view of atheists, the religious stuff is trash, trash is trash, it stands equally. All trash has an equal right to be played, independently of your philosophical perspective.
Why should just non-religious trash be played?
Seriously, I don't get it.
And the ridiculousness of the school's mentality is only exacerbated by the fact that a lot of big rock artists are drug addicts and, by example, when not by explicit lyrics, incentivize their little fans to imitate them.
So it would be really funny for the school to make a big ado about how they saved the school from the horrible Christian band and then, in the anti-drug event, put up one of those big screens and show a bunch of totally stoned rock stars. All of which are non-religious, of course.
Youth has been saved. We can breathe a sigh of relief now since horrible religion was replaced by something so much better.
On a related note, I hardly ever listen to the radio because I don't like most of the radio stations available. My right to turn on the radio and be able to choose from 10 different radio stations that I actually like is being seriously violated. I want to sue somebody.
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