
Monday, February 28, 2005

Chris Rock - A Big Thud of Unfunniness 

(revised) What a disappointment. Chris Rock hosted the Academy Awards with a big thud of unfunniness. It seems the Oscar bosses had him really muzzled. To bring in edgy and incisive Rock and whitewash him so thoroughly (nice pun, eh?) made him more boring than a PG host doing a regular fare of family entertainment humor.

In an unusually well-written article for the degenerating Wash.Post, Shales nailed several well deserved jabs, such as:

Producer Gil Cates made a few brave tries at shortening the show. Some awards were handed out in the audience, eliminating a few of those agonizing long walks to the stage (which some shrewd winners always draw out by stopping to shake hands with everybody they met in Hollywood on their way to the top).


In the audience, Oprah Winfrey gave Foxx a big wave as if she somehow shared in the award for his acting talent and heartfelt performance in the movie.
[I saw that!! too funny]

But it will all be different next year...

The Oscars are losing their status as a big national party and turning instead into de facto political conventions -- and if there's anything TV and the nation don't need, it's more of those. Chances are the ratings for this year's Oscar show will not be especially high and might be especially low, unless Rock turns out to have been enough of a name to bring viewers back to their sets. More likely, the whole horrible mess will have to be rethought once again, and next year's Oscarcast will be preceded by a fresh wave of hype about how new and improved it all is.

In his little humor skit, homo-fanatic Robin Williams promoted the homo myth that Dobson said SpongeBob was gay. I thought bloggers had taken care of showing how orchestrated that lie was, before last night. Williams probably doesn't read much.


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