
Thursday, August 19, 2004

Throughtout my life, I´ve struggled with my purple shorts - McGreevey´s stunning ace! 

OK, so let´s have a little satire, because this is too funny.

Stunning speech given by McGreevey´s "ace" that will clear any doubts if Golan Cipel is homosexual or not.

Dr. David Miller of Livingston, fashion-conscious doctor and professor, makes stunning speech that shocks nation. Miller is the major legal card Gov. McGreevey was hiding in his stunning, moving, personal saga about having a consensual homo affair, completely adulterous, with Israeli subordinate, Golan Cipel. Cipel has threatened the governor with a lawsuit, but McGreevey´s legal team has issued another stunning statement last night claiming, "The proof is in the purple shorts."

Here are the most touching moments of Prof. Miller´s absolutely stunning disclosure, that come after the stunning McGreevey speech:

"Throughtout my life, I´ve struggled with my purple shorts. As a young child, I often felt ambivalent about myself, in fact, confused. Should I wear purple, or was yellow more becoming? Although I only give interviews in non-English, because I hate America,
at a point in every person's life, one has to look deeply into the mirror of one's soul and decide one's unique truth in the world, not as we may want to see it or hope to see it, but as it is.

And so my truth is that I am a gay "hating-America" CIA operative purple shorts American, the next poster boy for purple shorts liberation. "

We are all stunned.

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