
Saturday, August 21, 2004

Questions about Blind Wives of Gays 

I find this just about impossible to happen in a healthy, profound, committed relationship between a man and a woman.

Just stop to think for a second what pundits like Arianna Huffington are asking us to believe is the situation. (Interesting to note that while there was a media frenzy to go ask her what it is like for Dina McGreevey now, Huffington´s ex-husband divorced her two years before he decided to tell the world he was a homosexual).

Suppose you are this homosexual man and you feel that instead of going for therapy and other venues that can allow you to work your psychological underlying problems that make you have homosexual attractions, you a) prefer to pretend that you are heterosexual, b) decide to lie in every way possible to a heterosexual woman and deceive her about your feelings and psychological problems and if she falls for it, you give her a major emotional coup, making her into your wife, lying to her that she had married a healthy, heterosexual man, c) find someone who is willing to be paid to be your wife, knowing that you are homosexual.

Now, homosexuals tell us they either a) have no attraction to opposite sex people, a kind of numbness or inane thing or b) hate the thought of any intimacy or sexual activity with opposite sex people, a very strong type feeling.

So, back to our homosexual impostor. He starts going out with the heterosexual woman he is targeting for his farcical marriage and at every single point of the development of their relationship, he lies to her about his feelings of attraction for her. This is no small Machiavellian task. It is a full program of deceit. And when the relationship evolves to the point of having sex and intimate activities, the homosexual man is lying to his partner every single time, over and over again, regarding the most intimate activities. But he doesn´t care, because his ambitions to be taken seriously as a straight impostor are greater. For a McGreevey type, he wants power, he wants politics, he wants wealth, he therefore needs to have it all, anyway he can get it. And it makes you think about the woman. You are in bed again and again with someone who does not feel any attraction to you, and the man is faking so many feelings and real thoughts about you, and this is not just some one-night-stand, and you don´t notice? Ever?
Or is artificial insemination the way these modern gays go for now with their fake spouses? Or they don´t ever go to bed? And the wife doesn´t think that´s odd? Or she is being paid not to notice?

Taking the first hypothesis, the blind wife, this is not what I consider a healthy, intimate relationship between a man and a woman. If you have reached a certain level of depth in a relationship, and of knowing your partner, I find this is just about impossible to happen, unless, of course, the homosexual is so lacking in character that every single thing he does is aimed at deceit and nothing else. And we also have the question of denial from the woman. It might be so painful for her to realize how much this guy deceived her after some years rolled in that she may not be able to get out of her denial and spend years being blind to his homosexuality, so that one fine day she is shocked when she is told. And then we have the couples whose communication level is simple nil. They live together in the same house and are comfortable with lying to everyone and their children about the quality of their relation, so when he finally comes out, well, that was just a week before the wife found out her husband actually lives at the same address as she does.

Of course, all of this is what the pro-gay media is calling courageous, if it is performed by a homo governor.

Pro-homosexuals say the problem here (or anywhere), that is, the only problem in the world, is that the homo governor in question was not allowed to be a homo openly and marry another homo or have a string of homo one night stands or both to satisfy his homo psychology. I disagree, since I think the problem lies with his homo psychology. I also think the dogma that human beings can´t change regarding sexuality (not just sexual orientation) is false. It looks like pro-gays never study anthropology, social psychology, and personality development when it proves them wrong.

Additionally, I don´t see how being an open homo would change what McGreevey did in respect to what is being called a post appointed based on a homosexual lover demand. One thing that does not fit in the picture of the homosexual lover demand is the very nature of the post itself, homeland security. And given that Cipel is Israeli, it does raise questions. Being an open homo would not change Kushner trying to stick it to his brother-in-law with blackmail. And what would he have done regarding the vote on homosexual marriage, now that he has either acknowledged or is lying once again about his sexuality, would he vote differently? Being an open homo would not change the issues with Kushner and ties with McGreevey.

I have had to work and interact with homos and bisexuals like McGreevey, many of whom were women. They lack character, some are corrupt, they do not have any respect for anyone, they sexually harass both heterosexual and homosexual people, in short, every character problem you could imagine, they display at various times. In addition, you often see that any lack of character they have doesn´t bother them at all. They believe they have a right to do anything to anyone and justify it all on a way of thinking that states that one´s homosexual kicks are all that matters, character is irrelevant.

Maybe when hell freezes over, the media will start to report on this aspect of homo reality and let go of the gay victim card.

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