
Friday, May 14, 2004

nick berg - the best questions raised 

from the right:

"My understanding," Mr. Senor said of the Iraqi police, "is that they suspected that he was involved/engaged in suspicious activities. U.S. authorities were notified. The F.B.I. visited with Mr. Berg on three occasions when he was in Iraqi police detention and determined that he was not involved with any criminal or terrorist activities. Mr. Berg was released on April 6, and it is my understanding he was advised to leave the country."

It pains me to say this, but I rather credit our dear Senor, the family needs a bit of a reality check, Iraq is not fucking Kansas.

Alessa: Indeed, all the contradicting aspects reported by the media so far and comments (see below) point to the fact that a lot of people are not telling what they know about Nick Berg, and what he was doing in Iraq, who really killed him, and just how phony is this video. By comments below, until further evidence is verified, the authoring of the video by terrorists looks very suspicious.
ABOUT THE VIDEO (which I am not going to see):
-the video was all edited and possibly dubbed.
-Accents apparently are not Iraqi, who are these guys?
-Berg´s scream sounds like a woman
-why was there no blood in the beheading? why doesn´t he move? are his eyes always shut or unmoving?
-was Nick already dead when the video was made?
-are the "terrorists" behind Nick white folks? (someone commented they all show white hands).
-the "terrorists" seem to have a big build (like someone in the US military would), not scrawny thin builds like most Iraquis we see.
-if the main terrorist is who the CIA say it is, why didn´t he show his face?
-the web site from where the video was downloaded originally has disappeared. it only existed for a short time. it was only in arabic. but CNN and the BBC all downloaded the video in that space of time. How did they know? Why no other media from no other countries, specially those who oppose the war had news of the video?
-was Nick a spy? for whom? a lone American just wadering about in Northern Iraq that says he wants to do contracts, but is not with any major contract firm is awfully suspicious.
-also reported that Nick went to 4 universities and never got a degree.
- and the thing about a terrorist accidentally using his computer awhile back..
-the arrest stuff - government saying sent e-mail "by mistake" to the family... really...
- the fact that he sends home a message he wants to get out, and apparently is withheld

from the news:
Family claims U.S. held son in Iraq
Consular e-mail tells of military jailers

Berg linked passport stamp to arrest


BAGHDAD—An American who was beheaded in Iraq had told friends he was arrested by Iraqi police in Mosul because he had an Israeli stamp in his passport.

But a police chief yesterday said Nicholas Berg, 26, had never been arrested by Iraqi authorities in Mosul, and the man's family disclosed e-mails it said proved he had been in U.S. custody despite U.S. denials.

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