
Saturday, March 06, 2004

Pro-homosexuals - do not do unto us what we do to you! 

From sinisterninja
Liberals. *sighs* I do not mind liberal thinking. I do not mind that there are people that don't eat meat, or don't use animal products, or state their opinions on the problems and mistakes of this great nation, or want to have sex with members of their own gender, or get sick about the stark contrast between socio-economic classes, or hate George W. Bush or his family... I truly don't. Bitch all you want, I'll fight in more wars than I already have for you to be able to, if I need to. However, when these people insult and degrade those who disagree, or aggressively attempt to impose their beliefs on those who disagree, they become in most cases what they believe to be their enemy. In their sometimes violent fight to attain liberties, benefits, rights, etc., they violate the rights of others, and their right to believe what they want. People like that, essentially, are bad people. In the same manner as those who fight to oppress, and deny liberties/benefits/rights, they are wrong.

I find the second statement here very much to the point of describing what is currently happening with the activism and behavior of pro-homosexual folks trying to impose their views/ideology, culture, and behaviors on everyone else. It is done in two formats: a persuasive one and a violent one. You may say it starts with the persuasion, and if the persuasion doesn´t work, they apply the strategies using violence (psychological violence mostly). This includes name calling and stereotyping, conceptually branding their opponents as someone who is bad/evil, most common tactics include branding as crazy, ignorant, pathological, hateful, fanatical, bigoted, archaic, "religious" (as in fanatically religious or in naively superstitious), racist/discriminatory.

To believe and think that you can impose your ideology (which is against someone else´s) onto that other person necessarily implies in violence against the other, which is what pro-homosexuals are engaging in collectively at the present moment. At the same time, they criticize people with differing views for being "bigots."

Going back to the persuasion tactics, why pro-homosexuals have been able to persuade is a very interesting topic. The tactics used are also very interesting (and I hope to blog more on this in the future).

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