
Saturday, March 06, 2004

Homosexual attraction dogmas - conceptual strategies to legitimize homosexuality 

Another tenet of current pro-homosexual ideology is that if a person has a homosexual attraction for others, that this attraction must necessarily be good or healthy. This is a fundamental tenet in legitimizing homosexuality. It follows that the behavior that develops from this attraction must also therefore be good and healthy.

I find this tenet quite problematic, because attraction is not good nor healthy simply because it is attraction. People can develop attractions which are good and healthy and those that aren´t. People can develop attractions which are a result of profound, compounded mental problems. How aware (or lacking in awareness) someone is of their own mental problems is another issue that is overlooked by people who want to legitimize homosexuality (by saying that homosexuality is not a result of any mental problems).

It is clear that pro-homosexuals desire very much to legitimize the psychological make-up of homo and bisexuals and this legitimization requires believing and interpreting everything encompassed by such make-up as not having any problems.

An interesting phenomenum to be examined is that the same logic above is being tried by pedophile and ephebophile "activists", but it is rejected by (most) pro-homosexuals.

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