
Saturday, March 06, 2004

Gibson - Stupid violence as entertainment - a mental disease 

Finally a media comment that addresses the problem of brutal violence as entertainment with Mel Gibson´s Passion (and his mind) and the hypocrisy in the media and public by being acquiescent consumers and clapping along with such films. Gibson is just another mentally diseased producer and director making violence as entertainment a bane and almost a rule in our world.

I would be most happy if people boycotted the film entirely, that would be a world where the message of Jesus Christ prevailed, and violence as entertainment as was condemned into silence and ignomy, its proper place.

Modern society is profoundly sick. Bring in the special effects, the high tech, the gizmos and it doesn´t improve anything, Gibson is an example of the great number of humans that refuse to evolve one bit in even thousand of years.

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